"A bath refreshes the body, tea refreshes the mind" Japanese Proverb

Nothing beats the first cuppa of the day! That early morning alarm can be made to feel that little bit easier when followed by a good old milky brew! Soya for me please!
I really struggled to think of what my subject should be in this exercise. The thinking process was of course done with tea in hand, and that's when it hit me! Maybe I can be somewhat subjective to a cup of tea. Then I started writing words I felt related to tea, and I just kept on going! I had the perfect magazine to help put a moodboard together.

I went down the early morning road for the mood board, with nature at its side. I mentioned Chinese in my brainstorm, however this magazine provided so many beautiful Japanese inspiration it was hard to avoid! I chose warm colours in the imagery and pattern swatches, which reflected the warmth of the tea and its natural colour.
Perhaps "Earthy" was another word to add to the list for the impression I was getting with colours and its natural sources.

I couldn't decide on just one word for Tea. I knew I wanted to actually add tea stains to the piece, which then also leaned into "Tanned" and "Natural". I included bamboo paper shaped round the tea cup to also add to the stained / tanned words. I love the texture of the paper and the flakes that are visible where it has been pressed together. It reminded me of a used tea bag, which just added an extra touch to the illustration. I also think it might be close to being the perfect colour of a perfect cuppa! Not too milky, not too strong.

Whilst writing this I'm still thinking of words to describe it. Am I describing the tea or the set? I think I gave more focus to the tea itself, whilst the set is what I drew, the tea is what you see. I think "Warm" might be my final word to describe this illustration.
Magazine used: Project Calm - Mindfulness Through Making