Making a presentation using the PechaKucha structure.
I wasn't looking forward to this assignment, partly because on first read of what was required I hated the idea of having to do a video presentation based on the works in this part. The exercises were not something I would want to make a video about, they seem small in their importance and I know it wouldn't be works I cared too much about. It felt too soon in the course to make a presentation, and well I just wasn't looking forward to it.
Looking at some presenation examples on the PechaKucha website I felt less annoyed and anxious of the idea on making a presentation. The length of the presentation still put me off, but the fact I didn't have to make a video with me in it talking about works I wasn't excited for, did lighten the mood a little.
So to begin, I looked at a couple of the exercises I was somewhat happy about. I thought about the process and how I navigated through them to reach the final drawings. Whilst doing this I considered making notes as a start to putting together a script.
As a few of the pieces were done on ProCreate, I was fortunate to have the built in recording so that I could showcase the process of drawing said works. I had the idea of including some of this in the presentation so you could see in real time how I reached the final drawings. It also gave me some material I could talk about in the presentation.
Next I thought about how I would build the slides. Was I going to follow the 20x20 structure or go for something smaller. 20 slides feels a lot, I'm not entirely sure I have that many images to work with! PechaKucha do have other formats that you can work with, 5x5, 10x10, or 10x20. The 10x20 option seemed a good balance, but I first needed to consider the work and then go from there.
Works featured:
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 7
These were exercises I enjoyed most, which if creating a presentation felt important to at least enjoy what I would speak. Plus there was things in these exercises that I found beneficial that I had not considered before.
To get into the swing of things I first decided to create the "slides" for the presentation. Using Illustrator, I composed the exercises across several pages, thinking about flow and points to discuss. I found a nice layout in how many slides it would take for each exercise. I hadn't considered how long each slide would be at this stage as I thought the voiceover would impact this. I also felt it was good to have some flexibility in time per slide if the talk needed more.
Here is the base of the presentation:

I ended with 15 frames in total, which felt like a good number to work with. Each exercise would have 4 slides each: a title page, an objective and time lapse page, an overlook at the "process" page, and then finally the "final" illustration from the exercise. It felt balanced.
Next I needed to set myself up to record a voice over (yikes). With the slides complete, I was able to prepare a new PremierePro project, adding in the slides and adjusting the time so that there was at least 15 seconds per slide to begin.
I wrote the script in order of the slides and created them in sections. Starting with doing an intro, after a few takes, I then brought this into PremierePro and cut some silent moments out to make it flow nice. I repeated this exercise with all sections. After some editing I was happy with the voiceover, the flow seemed nice and the slides worked with it. Next I wanted to add in a few "effects" with text so that it seemed like objective was being typed in. I found a royalty free sound of typing on a keyboard which I could use as part of the effect. This exercise in itself was fun as I had learnt how to do something new in PremierePro.
In the end my timeline looked like this:

And here is the final presentation: